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IEEE: Conversione in Open Access di articoli pubblicati, scade 15 ottobre

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Ricordiamo che, in seguito alla sottoscrizione del relativo contratto trasformativo, è possibile convertire in Open Access gli articoli delle riviste ibride IEEE pubblicati  tra il 1 ° maggio e il 31 luglio 2022,  solo su richiesta del corresponding author ed entro e non oltre  il 15 ottobre 2022.

Di seguito la comunicazione inviata dalla CRUI sulle modalità da seguire:

The IEEE Care-CRUI agreement is active as of 1 August 2022 and includes the article processing charge (APC) for corresponding authors affiliated with participating institutions. The agreement does not include page and color charges and does not apply to IEEE conferences.

If you are the corresponding author and your IEEE journal article has been published in a hybrid IEEE publication between 1 May and 31 July 2022, you may convert your traditional article (published OA articles not eligible) upon request through 15 October 2022.
To convert your eligible article to OA under the IEEE agreement, please contact by no later than 15 October 2022 with the following information to make your request:

  • Article DOI
  • Article Title
  • Institution
  • Corresponding author email

IEEE will respond to confirm receipt of the request within 48 hours and may request additional information if needed. The conversion to open access for eligible articles is expected within four weeks of the request.   
If you require further information about eligibility of articles for this program, please contact